The Georgian Window
Just an idea of products found in our Durham shop

at both of our shops
MAMA MIA & The Georgian Window
The Georgian Window Gift Clothing and Greetings Cards shop at the top of Saddler Street Durham City
The shop is just so full of unusual different items, Owl Elephant Shopper bags. Oriental large and miniature elephants Durham Key fobs Durham Magnets Durham Mugs Thimbles Durham lapel badges Durham greetings cards.

Jewellery at affordable prices Byzantium pau shell pendants earrings studs make great presents from only £6.99 to £9.99 beautifully boxed

Silver Jewellery
Beautifully boxed £16 to £49
studs pendants and chains
Celtic Lands silver jewellery
Rene Mackintosh Design silver jewellery
and as displayed here Pure Origins Designer silver jewellery
The Georgian Window for great greetings cards our cards are either arty witty stylish or different
have you come across bug art or two bad mice cards.. these cards are beautiful or just plain cute